Personal & Professional Development

Real-world challenges that people face in their jobs require new ways of thinking and interacting. A productive company is one that people like coming to; yet, globalization and increasing competition are the cause of increasing levels of stress in the work place.

These seminars emphasize taking control of your life at work with a focus on accentuating the positive and managing the rapid pace of change. Participants learn how to manage competing priorities in ways that promote creativity and optimism.

Accentuate the Positive / Eliminate the Negative in the Workplace

A positive work climate does not just happen. It takes awareness, appropriate strategies and practice. Learn techniques to bring out the optimist in yourself and others. Determine the sources of negativity and how it spreads. Identify strategies for overcoming negativity and improving positive teamwork, problem solving, and productivity.

Great Expectations – A Lighthearted Look at Change

Explore the different types of change and the impact of each. Evaluate your personal reaction to change. Examine strategies to manage through change without allowing creativity, problem solving, and energy levels to dissipate.

Managing Multiple Priorities – Have You Got the Time?

Increase efficiency in scheduling and in prioritizing critical tasks and projects. Learn how to create a realistic, manageable task schedule. Leverage communication tools (phone, email, voice mail, text messages, and instant message) to reduce interruptions and boost efficiency. Explore techniques to manage interruptions while maintaining good working relationships.